Wednesday, May 15, 2013

awesome DIY Tutorial for a Nail polish Rack for your wall

What you need: 
3 foam boards (available for 1.00 a piece) 
Exacto knife
Ruler or Measuring tape
Glue gun & glue sticks
Duct tape (optional) 

1st foam board: Draw a horizontal line every 5 inches, this is your back board

2nd foam board: Cut 7 TWO inch strips horizontal (these will be your shelves & then cut 7 ONE inch strips horizontal (these will prevent your polish from sliding off the shelves)

3rd foam board: Cut 2 TWO 1/2 inch strips ( these will be for the sides of your rack )

-Take the 2 inch strips and glue them to the lines we drew on the first foam board. Don't forget to glue them to the top and bottom.

-Take your 2 1/2 inch strips and glue them to the side of your rack.

-Take your 1 inch strips and glue them to your shelves to keep your polish from sliding out!

-Secure your board to a wall and fill it! :D

Friday, January 4, 2013

D.I.Y. Chalk Board Paint

This recipe will save you tons, I dunno if you noticed but Chalk Board Paint is quite expensive.  with this simple recipe you can make your own in ANY COLOR you want! How fabulous is it that you can have a chalk board to match your decor? Make it different colors? Run amuck!

What you will Need

  • A flat-finish Latex paint in any shade you want
  • non-sanded tile grout
  • 150-grit sandpaper
That's it!!!!

Start with flat-finish latex paint in any shade. For small areas, such as a door panel, mix 1 cup at a time.
1. Pour 1 cup of paint into a container. Add 2 tablespoons of non-sanded tile grout. Mix with a paint stirrer, carefully breaking up clumps.
2. Apply paint with a roller or a sponge paintbrush to a primed or painted surface. Work in small sections, going over the same spot several times to ensure full, even coverage. Let dry.
3. Smooth area with 150-grit sandpaper, and wipe off dust.
4. To condition: Rub the side of a piece of chalk over entire surface. Wipe away residue with a barely damp sponge.


Up-cycling Decoupage fabric onto tiles Plus Simple DIY Mod podge

You will need
• undecorated tiles
• remnants of fabric (preferably cotton)
• mod podge
• sharp craft knife and cutting mat
• scissors
• resin
• electric kitchen scale and disposable measuring cups
• paper cups
• tongue depressor or ice-cream stick

1 Cut the fabric slightly larger than the tile you want to decorate.

2 Paint the tile with a coat of mod podge and leave to dry completely.

3 Paint the tile with another coat of mod podge. Also apply a coat to the wrong side of the fabric.

4 Place the fabric on the tile while the mod podge is still wet. Smooth out any bubbles. Paint a coat of mod podge over the fabric and leave to dry.

5 Turn over the tile and neatly trim the excess fabric around the edges with a craft knife.

6 Seal the fabric-covered tile with a final coat of mod podge, then leave to dry completely.

7 Mix the resin in paper cups, carefully following the manufacturer’s instructions. Weigh or measure the quantities precisely. Pour a little of the mixture onto the tile and spread it out over the top of the tile using a tongue depressor or ice-cream stick. Leave to dry and harden in a dust and draught-free area.

TIP We mixed our resin by combining one part Araldite HY 2963 with two parts Pacote 600. We used 60g and 30g respectively, which was enough for 16 tiles of 107 x 107mm each. You can also use Pratley Kraftex PratleyGlo, but it’s a ‘softer’ type of resin.
see the beautiful possibilities for any pattern and style of Tile you want! 



D.I.Y. Mod Podge. 

How to make your own Mod Podge
For Crafting Projects
for Decoupage Projects and so much more 

Fill a Mason jar half way up with white glue (like Elmers- Remember the better the Glue the better the quality of your home-made Modge Podge.)
Then fill jar up with water.
Shake Well.

This is a 50-50 mixture glue/water.

It will have a Matte finish.
If you would like a Glossy finish, add 1 TBS of clear varnish.
Shake it!

Simple and Cute Valentines day Envelope

you can always spruce this up with some trimmings or cutting the heart out with a pair of Pinking scissors

D.I.Y. Popsicle Bracelets

Popsicle Stick Bracelets DIY Steps:

1. Boil sticks for about 15 minutes.
2. Let them cool.
3. Place in empty cup to curl overnight (or dry).
4. Paint or decorate, I think I'm going to go a lil' hot glue gun crazy with them.
5. Wear :)